Friday, April 13, 2007


Change is consistently happening all around me, you stop to smell the flowers one time and the whole world’s appearance has changed. Change is something that you can always count on, and especially in the season of life I am in currently. In just a couple weeks I will be moving to a new city here within Metro Manila, Antepolo will be our new assignment. And as excited as I am to have this change of scenes and as happy as I am that this clinic will be busy and I will get a lot of clinical experience, which I will need to fulfill my requirements by September, I am Heartbroken to leave Pinkian and Gerelene’s clinic. I have been welcomed into so many homes and have gotten to be apart of these women’s lives. It is so hard to have to start saying goodbye them. And although I wont leave for a couple more weeks I want to spend as much time as I can soaking up this place. Change happens so fast, and once it starts you have to make a decision to stay on that train or get off. As much as I want this blur of events to slow down so that I can take a breath and regroup, life will not wait for me, who knows what I might miss.


Laurencook said...

Your amazing. This change will be so good. I love it--"life won't wait for you," it's true! get on the train my beef.
you're the best, seriously.
Love you!

Kim said...

oh darling chalupa, change happens faster than i can possibly process! one week and i'm singing "a whole new world". enjoy pingkian for now - enjoy every good moment! -K