Friday, June 15, 2007

You've Got Mail....YES!!!!

You've Got Mail...NY152 and Shopgirl were totally right when they said that these are three powerful words. After a long 48 hour shift at the clinic I log on line and impatiently wait for my mailbox to deliver the much and anticipated mail from my friends and family. My eyes quickly scan over the junk mail then announce to the girls in the next room who are doing the same, that i have received some "Lovin" as we call a good outcome in Emails. I never thought that those three words would impact my day as much as it does, being here I have relied on my relationships to stay intact through the amazing world wide web...which still blows my mind when i think about it. I have mail...what a gratifying little simplicity that makes my thank you for your lovin...The Philippines would be a little more lonely without you.


Lindsey said...

well said alex!

middie said...

okay so your leavin me in the dust again but it's OK I'll rise abouve the fact that so many more people lov you than me:)

grandma betty said...

dear alex, hope this goes thru! third times the charm!! maybe. you have a wonderful way with words. i'm so proud of you ,grandaughter!!!! lot'sa love and kisses. grandma m.