How do you sum up what has been the most monumental year of your life? Not only did I settle into a new life as a newlywed with the love of my life Michael but we welcomed a new love into our lives. May 2010 I gave birth to what has brought me more joy then ever imaginable. After getting married and feeling more love in my heart than I ever thought possible, Leo was born and rocked our world!!. This year has been a year full of first. first place together, first baby, first holidays as a family, first words (Dada:)), first married couple fight, first married couple make up, and I became a California Licensed Midwife... it has been nothing short of amazing. And although at this time last year I was scared and just praying that I would survive what looked like such a crazy roller-coaster ride I find myself begging God to slow it down so I can enjoy every minute. Goodbye 2010 hello 2011, what on earth are you doing to do to top 2010?!